
by OnlyFans


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The OnlyFans app allows you to post content directly from your Android device onto your OnlyFans timeline. Choose photos or videos from your camera roll or use the built-in photo and video recorder to take spur-of-the moment shots. Simply add your text and then post directly onto your OnlyFans profile.
Logging in to the OnlyFans app allows you to navigate back and forth to your OnlyFans profile, allowing you to easily access your profile, settings, statements etc.
* Capture the moment using the built-in photo recorder for quick and spontaneous shots
* Add text to your posts (no character limit)
* Select the auto-tweet icon to send the text part of your post to your Twitter account (along with a link to your OnlyFans profile)
* Select up to 20 photos per post from your camera roll
* Select 1 video per post from your camera roll
* Capture the moment using the built-in video recorder